Wednesday, June 18, 2008

The Infamous Blue balled Ad....

I'm not going to say I'm a die hard Democrat but, since there only ever seems to be two parties at any given time, this election I'm firmly behind Barack Obama.  This story isn't about Barack (shock and awe) although the media would like to link him to the ad.  No this particular rant is about the hilariously clever "blue Balled Ad".  Not only is the ad clever, it has very calculated lighting, look at the light the girls under and her clothes.  Look at the guy and his house and his sheets.  Ah, subliminal and blunt.  Remember kids, Democrats are trendy, hip, cool and Republicans--not so much.




Sure, there's the point that the girl is slutty but thats besides the point so if you comment, know it's duly noted ahead of time.

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