A lot of people ask me "Why do you watch politics?", "Why do you watch that stuff?", "What do you get out of watching those liars?", etc, etc.... Well, other then you know, knowing what's going on and being informed on what the "liars" are doing. I like to be able to have an intelligent conversation when I come across an intelligent person. That's not saying that people that don't watch politics aren't intelligent, that is saying they're uninformed. I suppose there's nothing wrong with being blissfully unaware, it's just not something I like to be. I like to see the train before it hits me, maybe I can even get off the tracks. But that's not what this post is about, no this isn't about that. This is about some of the funny levity that comes up when watching some pundits, todays example, Chris Matthews...
Now let me show the key portion that actually made me laugh....
ROBERT GIBBS, WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY: Whoever sits here this time next week, you all will be talking about health care reform not as a presidential proposal, but as something that will soon be the law of the land.
MATTHEWS: You know what? I thought Axelrod was better than the president this weekend. That will get him in trouble, but he really was. He was a mensch. He was human—human. I‘m from Philly. And he really seemed to make the case.
You don‘t think you have lost the moral high ground here? How would you like to be a person who says, I don‘t want working people to have health care; I want them to just take their chances in the emergency room; to hell with those people; if they can‘t pay, live with it?
HARRIS: You sound like Alan Grayson. I don‘t know of a single Republican who says anything remotely close to that.
MATTHEWS: Maybe that‘s a crude way of putting it.
MATTHEWS: What is your position...
HARRIS: Look, our position...
MATTHEWS: The 30 million people without health care, what are you saying to those people? Forget it?
HARRIS: Our position is that there a lot of things that both parties can agree on, and we ought to start by passing those.
HARRIS: Both parties get to claim...
MATTHEWS: There‘s one thing you don‘t agree on.
MATTHEWS: This party wants to insure the 30 million people that don‘t have health care, and you don‘t.
HARRIS: No, no, no, no. What we don‘t agree is on a 2,300-page, trillion-dollar bill that‘s not going to solve the health care crisis in this country.
MATTHEWS: How long was the Social Security bill?
HARRIS: I have no idea how long...
MATTHEWS: Neither do I. Why are we talking about this number?
MATTHEWS: Anyway, thank you, Steve McMahon.
Thank you, Todd Harris.
MATTHEWS: How long was the bill that took us to the war in Iraq? I don‘t know. It doesn‘t matter. We went to war. "
He totally nailed it, talking about the number of pages is kinda stupid, complaining about the content is debatable, pointing out sections, making a valid point, I can go along with that. I'm even willing to debate a point and listen to the other sides argument. But yeah, talking about somethings too long to read when that's... kinda your job, that's funny.