Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Barack Obama, Wins!! McCain loses but goes out in style, and Palin - EPIC FAIL... and for you a retort...

Ahem, I'd just like to close this little chapter of your 15 minutes of fame with closure.


"A small town mayor is sort of like a community organizer, except you have actual responsibilities" Sarah Palin quote from the 2008 republican convention


Maybe, but.....


"A community organizer is sort of like a small town mayor , except you actually can become President." Me, quoted November 5th 2008.


Monday, October 27, 2008

Damn You, D&D...

and your accuracy!  I decided to take the same test as Eric and I'm exhausted (over 100 questions??), but it's pretty accurate except the Chaotic part, I think I'm more Neutral, I'll leave the goody-goody-ness to others.


You Are A:

Chaotic Evil Human Sorcerer (4th Level)

Ability Scores:
Strength- 13
Dexterity- 16
Constitution- 14
Intelligence- 16
Wisdom- 16
Charisma- 15

Chaotic Evil- A chaotic evil character does whatever his greed, hatred, and lust for destruction drive him to do. He is hot-tempered, vicious, arbitrarily violent, and unpredictable. If he is simply out for whatever he can get, he is ruthless and brutal. If he is committed to the spread of evil and chaos, he is even worse. Thankfully, his plans are haphazard, and any groups he joins or forms are poorly organized. Typically, chaotic evil people can be made to work together only by force, and their leader lasts only as long as he can thwart attempts to topple or assassinate him. Chaotic evil is sometimes called demonic because demons are the epitome of chaotic evil. Chaotic evil is the best alignment you can be because combines self-interest and pure freedom. However, chaotic evil can be a dangerous alignment because it represents the destruction not only of beauty and life but also of the order on which beauty and life depend.
Humans are the most adaptable of the common races. Short generations and a penchant for migration and conquest have made them physically diverse as well. Humans are often unorthodox in their dress, sporting unusual hairstyles, fanciful clothes, tattoos, and the like.
Sorcerers- Sorcerers are arcane spellcasters who manipulate magic energy with imagination and talent rather than studious discipline. They have no books, no mentors, no theories just raw power that they direct at will. Sorcerers know fewer spells than wizards do and acquire them more slowly, but they can cast individual spells more often and have no need to prepare their incantations ahead of time. Also unlike wizards, sorcerers cannot specialize in a school of magic. Since sorcerers gain their powers without undergoing the years of rigorous study that wizards go through, they have more time to learn fighting skills and are proficient with simple weapons. Charisma is very important for sorcerers; the higher their value in this ability, the higher the spell level they can cast.


Detailed Results:
Lawful Good ----- XXXXXX (6)
Neutral Good ---- XXXXXXXXXXXX (12)
Chaotic Good ---- XXXXXXXXXXXXX (13)
Lawful Neutral -- XXXXXXXXXXX (11)
True Neutral ---- XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (17)
Chaotic Neutral - XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (18)
Lawful Evil ----- XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (15)

Law & Chaos:
Law ----- XXX (3)
Neutral - XXXXXXXXX (9)
Chaos --- XXXXXXXXXX (10)

Good & Evil:
Good ---- XXX (3)
Neutral - XXXXXXXX (8)
Evil ---- XXXXXXXXXXXX (12)

Human ---- XXXXXXXXXXXXX (13)
Dwarf ---- XXXXXXXX (8)
Elf ------ XXXXXXXXXX (10)
Gnome ---- XXXXXX (6)
Halfling - XXXXXXXX (8)
Half-Elf - XXXXXXXX (8)
Half-Orc - XXXXXXXX (8)

Barbarian - (-2)
Bard ------ (-2)
Cleric ---- (-2)
Druid ----- (-19)
Fighter --- (0)
Monk ------ (-19)
Paladin --- (-25)
Ranger ---- (-6)
Rogue ----- XX (2)
Sorcerer -- XXXXXXXX (8)
Wizard ---- XX (2)

Find out What Kind of Dungeons and Dragons Character Would You Be? 

courtesy of Easydamus

Speaking of D&D and the like, I was playing some more world of Warcraft (currently @1200+ hours) and I'm fascinated by the achievement system, especially the non PvP portion, Blizzard as a whole is one impressive company, no wonder they're the leaders in the MMORPG field, just, wow people... srsly!


Wednesday, October 15, 2008

An Open Letter to Blizzard

Dear Blizzard,


Seriously!?  What's with the updates?  A download of 1.2GB's?  Then I have to move the game to another folder and its already Gi-NOR-MOUS... and let's not forget the new expansion comes out in a month.  So, I'm stuck.  I spend the day downloading, and apparently I get to spend another moving files.  Maybe tomorrow I can actually install the damned update and in a month I get to do it all over again.  Why didn't you just add this to the expansion?? Can you explain the logic? Can you?? Can anyone?????


Update: The Patch Update --AWESOME!!!

Still annoyed but it helps


Thursday, October 02, 2008

More debate commentary

Pat Buccaneen is like "Palin won  because she's "authentic", she's charismatic..." WTF?? How about answering the questions?  How about saying something of substance.  She can't say anything about the Bailout? She can't say what's so different about the McCain/Palin ticket? She can just say she's not answering questions.  Huh?  Yeah, that's good stuff right there.  Not useful... but good. 

To someone.

Not me.


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Monday, September 29, 2008

Someone explain to me

Governor Palin is a victim of "Gotcha" journalism because she was overheard responding to a voter about what she's do about a foreign country.  So... in order to show she's competent, John McCain goes on the second half of Palin's interview with Katie Couric... a woman... and proceeds to talk over Palin and respond for her when Couric asks her anything.  And this is who the disenchanted Hillary voters would rather or should rather vote for?  Yeah, that doesn't show her as either incompetent, too stupid to answer, or unable to defend herself in the big leagues.  Hell, it was like watching a father protect his daughter, and this is what conservatives want for the next 4 years...?  Genius.



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Friday, September 26, 2008

If you only see one movie this year.....

Has it really been nearly a month since I posted any witty snark?  That just can't be, well, without further ado i present you with this bit of comedy for you cerebration.

Art forecasts life.... creepy!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

My Theory on the Democratic Nominee choice.

This is my theory on the Nomination process.

I want to first tell you to totally ignore the fact that Hillary clinton is Hillary Clinton, not famous, just think of this in basic terms, let's begin.

The Democrats need to win.
We need the Democrats to win.
The Democratic party has lost the last 2 elections.
The Democrats need a change of pace, new tactics.
The Democratic party decided to try something "radical"

These are the facts at the beginning of the Democratic Primary.
Let's look at a few other factors.

Many of John Q. Public in middle america is White. Judeo-Christian, and Conservative.

So, taking all that in account if you want to optimize the democrats getting into office you can have a man (which is traditional) or a woman. Middle America still believes in "traditional" family values, that translates to traditional political beliefs. That means a male is an easier "sell" to the general populace. The only thing the Democrats need to get around is the "Obama's a black guy" thing, which should in all honesty, be really easy. He's a great speaker, charismatic, and gives people hope (something some people have a problem with, go figure). he may not have experience but noone other then a person that's already been President has experience. You can't train to be the "Man" or "Woman", it's just something you do when you get to where your going.

It's not personal, as they say...
It's Politics.

Rant Time. (Or, An open letter to the disenfranchised.)

Dear Unhappy Hillary Supporter,

I humbly ask, that you stop whining. I understand your upset that your candidate didn't win, but get over it. If Obama had lost we'd have to get over it, I'd actually have voted for McCain too, but I'm not all emotional and whiney. Let me elaborate. McCain is senile, this guy, this rich white guy wants to make other rich people richer. If your rich, I guess that'd make me all for McCain, but I'm not rich, are you? A lot of the unhappy say "Hillary was slighted or dissed." Are you serious?

Had Hillary won, I'm going to go out on a limb, but I'm going to say noone would expect her to kiss Baracks' ass for being the first black candidate. No, it'd be business as usual, so whats the difference? I'll tell you what the difference is, it's called the ol' double standard. You, Ms. Disenchchanted Angry neo-Feminist Hillary Supporter are one of these fake feminists that want's their cake and to eat it too. You want to be treated like a guy, to dress like a guy, to be paid like a guy, then you wanna throw a tantrum like a little girl when you don't get your way. You can't have it both ways, you can't whine things aren't fair when your losing but when your winning be "Everythings fine and my opponent needs to toughen up."

And are you also kidding me that the Clintons would have paid Obama's debt had he not been a phenomenally great fund raiser? I'm going to say publicly that A.) Your freaking insane, and B.) considering the Clinton legacy they should be above all this whining and crap. I for one, am tired of the whole, Clinton/Obama supposed feud. If you believed in Hillary's policies, then there's NO reason why you shouldn't vote for Obama, for months their policies were damn near the same, the only difference? Barack Obama is the new guy and the Clintons have a legacy. Just because the Clintons have a legacy does not pre-ordain hillary to be the first woman President. Let me drop a little knowledge on you. Our country can't deal with the educational system, the national debt, the war we're trying to get out of, or our dependance on oil from from abroad or from the oil tycoons locally, or even our collapsing medical system. Maybe in the grand scheme of things,the choices came down to the two possible candidates society as a whole was ready for. Either a woman or an african-american male, there's only enough tolerance for one or the other, it's sad but true, do you really think there's the possibility to get both? I think not, in fact I believe had Hillary been chosen she would've picked Joe Biden because he's the most logical choice for either one of them, he's an older caucasian guy who has years of experience. He's a familiar generic pick that is what's considered "normal." I'm not saying it's right or fair, but to get things you want sometimes you have to compromise.

There's a thing called acceptable losses and collateral damage. See, you need a balanced ticket that isn't too far to the left and crazy, a woman and a black guy, isn't exactly the norm in politics, so then it comes down to what's easier to accept. A woman or a man, in politics, the norm is a man. So is America ready for a male President who happens to be black or a woman that happens to be white. The truth, the logical decision is demonstrated by your erratic declarations and pronouncements. Your scorned and bitter because the first woman to ever run lost? So you'd rather not vote or vote for McCain just to be spiteful?? You'd rather turn against your fundamental beliefs, to go to the opposition just to spite Barack Obama? Well, good, you should go, it just proves a point and not your point but the point of maybe, just maybe, a certain gender is just overly sensitive and not ready to have their finger on the button. Besides, these things are in 4 year cycles, if he wins and sucks, just vote for her, there'd be nothing in her way.


But FoxNews is reporting he's your guy. So, yeah I'll keep you posted. I'm waiting to see if John Mccain picks a woman vice president. I also openly hope all the Hillary supporters that are for McCain go republican, hmmm... I feel a rant coming on.

day 2, the DNC


FoxNoise, the only channel that covers an event by... not covering an event.  Also, a clever trick, showing footage of no Hillary support by zooming in on little sections of anti-McCain and Pro Obama supporters... nice job Fox, but I watched the camera coverage on MSNBC and they did Panorama shots.  You may've heard of them, they're used to show The Big PICTURE.  Maybe you can try it some time.  Oh, and Megyn Kelly, your a great actress, for the longest time you had me convinced you were a correspondent with integrity, Bravo!!  You deserve an Oscar... F.Y.I.  I know your not too bright, so just so you know... that's sarcasm.  Hm, apparently Fox also saw a different video intro then the rest of us... maybe they really do live in a parallel world.


On a more positive note, having watched a version that's not talked over on MSNBC, I can say, Hillary's speech was great, I may not trust her, but she can deliver a great speech and her supporters looked fired up and ready to go,  Contrary to Foxs' shady reporting.  Can someone tell me why Rudy "A noun, a verb, and 9/11" Guilliani is a main "goto" guy for Hannity and Colmes?  Didn't his bid end up as a punchline when he ran?


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Friday, August 22, 2008

Wow, i don't know if this is racist, an insult, or a racist backhanded insult...

I'm watching FoxNoise and Hannity and Colmes and Sean Hannity just said: "....Obama is articulate, bright... and clean..."

He's... clean... so... why wouldn't he be? I've never heard a person described like that, well i did, but it was in re-enactments of auction blocks from 400 years ago. I'm just... wow.


Ah, the newest smear campaign of the Republican party.  Obama is against babies (he has 2 daughters though...) he voted against a bill to help babies that survive abortions (though there's a law in place that already does this), and he's lying about us lying about his record.  Obama didn't vote on a bill that was nearly identical to a federal bill because he didn't agree with the Illinois bill, but did agree with the Federal bill.  I suppose this story would be outrageous and a scandal except the right-wingers fail to mention there were addendums tacked onto the bill that Obama didn't agree with.  Let me repeat, there were other bills, like when congress adds a motion to raise their pay on the back of a bill to send weapons to our troops or to provide them with health care.  So, I suppose this is the Obama is a baby killer attack?  First he might be "The One" (aka the devil) and now he's a babysitter.  All he has said... and repeatedly is he's pro-life but believes in womens rights.  How can being in favor of womens rights cause so much drama??  I also like the allusion that Obama is running because he's conceited and doesn't care about our countries security (yes he said that...)


And hello pot, this is kettle, I wrote a speech for you, here's an excerpt "...All that is asked of the rest of us is that we do not dishonor their sacrifice by treating the cause they served so bravely as an opportunity to argue without wisdom; to divide us without care for the consequences; to advance our individual or partisan interests at the expense of America's security...." (McCain's Speech To The Members Of The Veterans Of Foreign Wars ,Published April 7, 2008) Examples:






How do you like it? Huh, what?? Why are you laughing??

Maybe I'm laughing because I remember this....


John McCain might have survived being a prisoner, but obviously they were too late to save his honor.

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Thursday, August 21, 2008

Someone explain to me...

How is it on the one hand, all the news stations say Obama needs to be harder and tougher and needs to attack McCain and not try to be aloof. Then today McCain cant remember how many houses he has and Obama talks about it and everyones like, Obama said he wouldn't be a regular politician, see he's just like everyone else. Does Obama really wanna go there? FoxNoise, of course defends McCain saying they're mostly his wifes'... hm, if they're married doesn't that still make them his too?? So if i understand correctly, he should A.)Not ignore McCains attacks and counterattack to show his strength as a politician and B.) Not attack because his campaigns about hope. Um, is that even like, physically possible??

No matter what Obama does it's the same double standard.

Obama has no foreign policy experience, he doesn't know how to deal with foreign leaders. Is he ready to lead? So, he goes out on tour, overseas, meets officials, everyone likes him and the foreign countries love him and what does the news say?
"He's pretty arrogant isn't he?"
"Kinda presumptuous talking to all those leaders."
"Who does he think he is, looking Presidential?"
"So what if countries are chanting his name and waving AMERICAN flags for the first time in like, 8 years."

I mean, really. Are you freaking kidding me?

I could go on but I'm pretty tired, maybe tomorrow.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Once more from the top... It's their country and you don't have to visit....

I find this video hilarious


The hilarity is in the fact that this guy and his group, don't see where they're in the wrong.  Let me be among the many that say this but it's obviously not getting out into the evangelicals auditory processing centers.  China is communist. China is hosting the Olympics. China is older then America. China has it's own religions.  China has it's own laws. China doesn't have to let you into China.  China doesn't have to like or accept Christianity.  China doesn't want it's populace influenced by radical evangelicals and their beliefs or their dilution of China's quite functional and historical religious belief system.  YOU do not have to go to China.  The American athlete are not their to represent a religious principle, they are there to represent the best and most gifted athletes our country can provide.


It amazes me how people go abroad and then have the nerve to be indignant about the local laws and customs of other countries.  Hey buddy, before traveling try reading up on what is and isn't allowed in the country your going to.  That's what embassies are there to assist you with.  And is it me, or is it pretty ballsy to say just because he and his "flock" were  turned away for their refusal to enter the country as guests and follow the countries laws, America as a whole shouldn't participate in the games?  I for one am quite happy this radical nutjob wasn't allowed to go in to another sovereign nation and badger its citizens with religious rhetoric while they tried to enjoy the games.  Leave it to Fox to be all over this one.  Shock and Awe.


The games are games, not platforms to espouse your belief system.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Civil court (Or more accurately Revenge Court!)

I'm not a fan of Scott Peterson and yes, I'm one of those people that don't care if O.J. did or didn't do it but... whatever happened to be exonerated?  doesn't winning your court case mean anything anymore?  Let's not get into the sticky situation of whether you agree or disagree with a verdict, if you are found not guilty the topic should be dropped.  I understand this is the American Idol generation, everyone wants to have a vote, everyone wants their say, but the law doesn't work like that, the rules, as I always say, are the rules.  Twelve people get a say in whether or not a person is guilty or not, thousands of dollars are spent on lawyers for the defense and for the prosecution, a judge, who is supposedly unbiased makes the ruling based on the heretofore mentioned twelve people and after all is said and done, a verdict is reached and that's that.  Well that's how it used to be, now there's the idiotic invention of civil (Revenge) court.  Here's a court that, were the law actually not being abused would be used for one purpose and one purpose only.  A Civil Court, last I heard anyway, is supposed to be for small claims, private settlements that don't necessarily need all the pomp and circumstance of a bigger court.  lately, though, it seems that civil courts have been getting used to re-try, which I didn't think was supposed to happen, a case where the verdict didn't come out the way the prosecution wanted.  So say in the case of O.J., the guy gets off, so then they sue him in civil and win, what the hell?!?  Personally I think double jeopardy should apply across the board and you should only be able to pick one place to have your case tried.  The courts aren't a slot machine, you don't just keep pulling the handle until you get the justice you want.

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Nick Hogan (Bolea, or whatever...)

I'm a HUGE Hogan fan, but I personally can't stand his son.  I figure if I'm going to post I should point those two things out at the start.  Is it just me or  have people taken leave of their senses?  I'm not saying the guy was wrong for drag racing while drunk, but why is he being blamed for a 24 y/o marine choosing to get into a car with him?  I choose to do things all the time, getting in a vehicle with a drunk driver? Not one of them.  I'm just wondering, what the hell happened to personal responsibility?

Did you know that Yahoo! has a womens' section?

Completely with spiffy pink border!!  don't get me wrong I like pink, especially on women and girls, it's a classic.  Speaking of classics, there's an article on a classic question Should you or Shouldn't you? The question all about the last name when married.  I don't wanna seem like some type of macho chauvinist but,  if I have to be branded with a ring (and yeah its like a branding, you've been marked fellas)  then what's the deal with a woman saying "I can't be bothered to change my name?"  Let's put things in perspective.  Most guys don't want to get married.  Say what you will but marriage is more a concession then something guys choose to do.  You do it for two reasons 1.)  Your girlfriend/fiance wants you to and 2.) It's a "symbol of your unity (like your wedding ring).  So, what's the difference?  A guy isn't trusted to just tell people "I'm married."  In fact your not even given the opportunity to say anything, most women automatically do the hand check.  I'm not against the tradition, it doesn't hurt anyone and it kinda serves a purpose.  The average guy gets used to his ring either loves it and cherishes it or forgets about it and in either case it just stays on.  Some of the arguments in the article are laughable. "It's just easier not too..", "Some people think I've left the company because my name changed....", etc.,etc.,etc.  This falls into my personal "What the frak?!" category.  Its an inconvenience?  Well, allow me to retort in the slang of the '30's "So's marriage toots!" I mean, I'm perfectly capable of regulating whether or not i sleep with someone and I'm perfectly capable of maintaining a relationship with an acquaintance without the artificial marking that's been in place for years.  If it's all about convenience then why don't we just get rid of marriages all together?  They're expensive, complicated, annoying at times, and impractical. Why don't we all just declare, I'm staying with you!! Wouldn't that be "easier?"  Seriously, the "People don't know I work here anymore" is lame.  IF you are that important a client  then maybe you should slip the married name change into an email or a conversation.  Shouldn't you be proud and excited about marrying the man you "love".  Here's an example,

"Hello, It's good to see you again!  I've been looking over those proposals you sent over... oh yes, speaking of proposals I just got married last week, I am now officially Mrs. Blah-Blah-Blah.....  Oh, thank you for the congratulations, I'm quite happy too.  Let me get back to that proposal though <insert polite chuckle>...."

or in an email/letter,

Greetings Big Important Client,

I am just following up to clarify my response to your last message.  I would be sincerely delighted to join you for lunch to discuss the plans for your new venture.  I look forward to new discourse and hope we can come to a beneficial planning strategy that will bolster your fiscal profits for the coming quarter. 


I would like to inform you of my recent marriage and name change, I am now Mrs. Blah-Blah-Blah.  I will continue to provide you with the service you've become acquainted with but i wanted to inform you of the recent name change so there is no confusion locating me or my offices.  thank you for your continued business.

Mrs. Blah-Blah-Blah,

Director of Sales

Wow, that was surely the most complicated thing I've ever written, between writing that, making coffee, drinking a soda and watching MSNBC that took me all of 8 mins.  I would also like to say, arguing that it would be expensive to change all of your cards is a blatant fabrication.  If you are important enough or rich enough to have a card in the first place, trust me, you can afford to change them.  They probably needed a facelift and updating anyway.

My wife and I actually had a conversation about this topic.  Most couples do and should.  I was and still am firmly of the opinion that if your too lazy (yes, LAZY) to change your name, then why should I bother being married to you?  Why can't we just continue dating exclusively?  My wife is progressive, sometimes to her detriment in some areas, and I support her in everything she does, but even she changed her name.  Her way was actually rather clever, I personally believe the hyphenation thing is crap, either "do it or do not, there is no try" to paraphrase Yoda. She dropped her middle name, moved her last name to the middle and took my last name.  I'm quite pleased with the solution actually, so should most business women, you can go by your first and middle name or if you really are into the whole sanctity of marriage thing, you can use your husbands.  In all honesty, if marriage isn't important enough to uphold some of the most simpler tenants then maybe we should just do away with it altogether.  Insurance and property rights arent really legitimate reasons to join a person, laws can be changed, rights can be amended, but if your only going to pick and choose the parts of an event like marriage that you "like", then you cheapen the experience and the value you place on both you and your partners union

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

The Infamous Blue balled Ad....

I'm not going to say I'm a die hard Democrat but, since there only ever seems to be two parties at any given time, this election I'm firmly behind Barack Obama.  This story isn't about Barack (shock and awe) although the media would like to link him to the ad.  No this particular rant is about the hilariously clever "blue Balled Ad".  Not only is the ad clever, it has very calculated lighting, look at the light the girls under and her clothes.  Look at the guy and his house and his sheets.  Ah, subliminal and blunt.  Remember kids, Democrats are trendy, hip, cool and Republicans--not so much.




Sure, there's the point that the girl is slutty but thats besides the point so if you comment, know it's duly noted ahead of time.

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Why Meerkat Manor is the best show on TV

Watching Charlie Brooker, you get the sad  feeling (and rightly so) that society is doomed.  I mean, let's face it, everyday you see self absorbed little snots and you want to smack the hell out of them.  Somedays I'm like, this is the future?!?  What happened to my jetsons future, or my hovercraft..... wasn't I supposed to have a jetpack by now?  Yeah, the future looks pretty bleak you have terrorists, the economy, society thats mean spirited, travelling abroad thats a crap shoot,  governments whittling away your freedom, a potential recession...  here in America, things are downright depressing. So what can you do? 

Look for escapism, thats how it was handled back in the day and if it aint broke.....

Meerkat Photo

[Sophie, trusted babysitter of the Whiskers.  Via]

so then i watch television, and I happen to come across what very well may be the best show on television. The story of a family... or meerkats, their trials, their tribulations, their society. Its commentary... positive commentary, without commentary.  Just meerkats doing what they do and narrated by an narrator that gives us what a glimpse into what we think they may be thinking. Yes, it's about meerkats. Yes, they don't speak.  Yes the cameras just follow them around.  YES, I AM HOOKED.

The tag line for the show "Don't judge. just watch." Simple. Brilliant. In an age of "Survivor", "So you think you can dance", "The Biggest Loser", and other competitive and mean spirited "shows" there is hope, hope that creativity isn't dead, hope that the best of everything isn't exemplified by the darkening of the human spirit.  No. Everything thats good, everything thats amazing in the world can be summed up in one show.  One title. One glimpse.  One place. Meerkat Manor.

Animal Planet, I thank you.

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Wednesday, May 28, 2008

My opinion on Hillary Clinton

I'll start off this post by saying two things up-front. I wouldn't vote for McCain if he was the only person in the election. He's a terribly uncharismatic speaker and his tone is so dull, I actually start getting sleepy when he speaks. I'll probably go on about him some other time. I also want to state, that I like Obama. Sure, he's an idealist, but lets face it, if he actually does half the things he says, we'll be three times better off then we are. I'll post about him later too. This post is about Hillary Clinton. I've never been a fan of H.C., I've always taken issue with her duplicitous nature and her seeming fraudulentness. I'm pretty sure McCain would be preferable over her we're the choices up to me, thats right, I'd pick Obama, then McCain, then someone from an independent party, then an illegal immigrant, THEN H.C. The thing about the Clinton campaign is I think Bill clinton was a great president, the enviroment was on the mend, there was a surplus of money, jobs were on the rise, we weren't at WAR.....

That said, I can't even say i disagree with all of H.C. stances, I don't, she and Obama are a lot similiar in their stances. the problem with Hillary Clinton.... is Hillary Clinton. "Huh, what?" you might think, let me show you commentary on some recent things she has said:

Having seen that video, maybe you see what I'm saying. Hillary feels she is preordained to be the first female President and frankly if she were, that'd be fine and dandy. The problem seems to be that although she may be right about some issues, she can't be satisfied with being respected or a rolemodel for women, hard working white women (I guess), or any young women (no matter their color or nationality) that need to be able to see that politically females can be anything men can be. Hey, I have a daughter, I understand wanting your child to know that they are only limited by their own dreams and ambitions. My issue in particular is that no matter what it is you want to be or that you want to do you shouldn't lie (misremember) or attempt to change the rules when your losing or even pull the gender card because it seems like it might get you what you want. Besides, it wasnt 2 months ago that this same person was saying "politics is a tough business", unless it seems it's her.

For the record, using assassination in the context of your opponent or using past assassinations as a reference to your campaign is the lowest of the low and anyone that says differently is basically, a moron.

(stay tuned for editing)

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Disabilities... aren't they called a handicap for a reason?

U.S. court: Dollars discriminate against blind - U.S. business-

OK. Don't hate me for my opinion but.....Your money could be changing in the not so near future. Hooray progress. Now don't get me wrong, I have nothing against blind people, in fact, they are to be admired. That being said, seriously, WTF?? Money is discriminatory? Are you kidding me??? Yeah it sucks that money is the same size... correction it sucks if your blind, that money is the same size, but for the rest of us, its great. I deal with money all the time and personally I like how nice and neat it stacks, I like how symmetrical money is, why does it need to change?

So billions should be spent retrofitting vending machines? How about those cash counters at the bank thats money well spent or should I say flushed down the toilet. Those super awesome weighing money counters, yeah they all need to be programmed to weigh the new money since shearing the size down changes the weight of all the paper paper money. And what the hell about all the money currently in circulation? Should businesses run by the blind be able to deny currency because it's not this new standardized size? Trillions of dollars should be just "pulled" out of circulation? and who's going to do this? Yeah that's a lot to consider now isn't it? I'm just one person but all that just popped into my head and this has been a 6 year court battle?!?

Besides, disabilities are disabilities because you can't do everything everyone else does. No one says you cant have cash if your blind, hell, my cats can have money if they want, but they cant decipher 1's from 5's (and they complain they can't flip through it because they don't have opposable thumbs) so they rather I pay them in food and shelter. Roads are discriminatory too you know, you have to look where your going. Blind people aren't hired as money handlers? Neither are stupid people, but they don't complain (maybe because they're too stupid to, but hey they don't). Not that I'm sexist but theirs things some women shouldn't do and it's not discriminatory it's just common sense. An example....

Ninety pound Buffy, who's cute as a button, smart as a whip, blond and sociable shouldn't be a firefighter who runs into a burning building to save me. Sorry Buffy, you may be a great person, you may be beautiful, you may have passed all your theoretical tests without breaking a sweat but You.Cannot.Lift.Me. I weigh 3 times what you do and I'm unconscious and time is of the essence and most importantly, I don't feel too keen about dying today. No I want Jack McDrinksalot, he's like 250 pounds and can bench press twice his body weight, I want Mr. McDrinksalot to rush in drag my passed out carcass from wherever I am, throw me over his shoulder and get me out of there! And just to be clear, same scenario with another guy: I also dont want 85 pound Irwin who Buffy beat up the night before in there trying to calculate the best way to get me to safety either.

See, the problem isn't dollar bills, they are great for most activities and yeah other countries have money of varying sizes and such, but thats them. Once again the government seeks to punish the many for the sake of the few, and yes, I'm sorry but the blind people don't outnumber the rest of us who don't have a problem with currency in its current form. If you really wanna effect change, how about subsidizing and lowering the cost of electronic verbal money counters for the blind? Oh, hey here's an idea make it mandatory ALL stores use debit and credit card readers. There are places in the US I still cant use my debit card, are you freakin' kidding me? There's totally no excuse for that other then pure laziness on the part of the business owner. If I can open and operate an online business and accept credit, debit, AND paypal cards, then there's no reason a real brick and mortar business can't do the same thing. Personally, I find it annoying as hell that people like to go after the most ridiculous possibility first. Yes , cash sucks at times but when its not a problem for all blind people and there are literally at least a dozen alternatives, why the hell punish everyone?

Friday, May 16, 2008

A business model for Twitter: Pay up | Outside the Lines - CNET

I'm a Twitter user and i think it's a pretty neat service so i read the following Cnet article by Dan Farber .

A business model for Twitter: Pay up | Outside the Lines - CNET


I like a lot of the things Mr. Farber says in a lot of his articles, but the monetization pholosophy that so many people try to insert into web culture prompter me to post a reply.  I'll post my reply in full right here:

by Trapfnder May 16, 2008 2:56 PM
Interesting Web 2.0 philosophizing in the article, "Hey, pay for it", here's the problem I find with this argument. Everyone likes free, some people like subscriptions, most people wouldn't mind paying, and noone likes being ripped off. Twitter serves a basic function that's fast but doesn't offer anything "new" persay; it's a modded InstantMessenger with a public directory. I already use 6 Instant messengers, I like Twitter, but contrary to what the technorati wants everyone to believe, Twitter is a dirty, fun pleasure,not an addiction. Jaiku and Pownce both offer cool stuff that Twitter doesn't but Twitters easy and fun. People like to monetize everything and yeah its the capitalist way but the old bait and switch is nothing new. If you want to monetize something then start it off as a paid service. What's wrong with that? Using the public for a testing ground then saying "Well, people like it, though we started it free, time to make them pay but only because it's popular" rarely works. You'll get some hangers-in, but for the most part the rest of us will migrate elsewhere. Sure, that thinking sucks, but that's the way it is, sucks or not.
Instead of most pundits who gripe about how people don't like to pay, I submit that people are just tired of paying 2 or 3 times for things so they look for alternatives. As a consumer I pay for a movie, jacked up snacks, then I'm subjected to commercials (not movie trailers) actual TV adds which are supposed to subsidize free content like um... network TV shows?!? But that's ok somehow, I pay for content and then an advertiser gets to freely STEAL my time and I don't care that it's 30 seconds it's MY 30 seconds. If I did that at work it wouldn't be acceptable, so why is the consumers time acceptable to steal? The music industry seems to think charging me multiple times for the same item in different formats is great, so why shouldn't my food at home follow the same premise? I buy hamburger meat but I decide to make a casserole, that's another charge, or meatloaf, which is another charge, yeah, that's about as much sense as the record industries argument makes. The movie studios aren't any better when it comes to DVDs. Now, i admit I go along with the premise that, there's a certain amount of money involved in the production of mass market DVDs. I like the packaging and i usually only buy the "Special Edition" because i like watching the behind the scenes stuff after I enjoy a film. That said, what's the deal with me downloading movies for about the same cost as a DVD and having it "delivered digitally"? DVDs cost money, albeit, nowhere near the amount they gouge me for, and I'm usually willing to pay. Are you trying to tell me that it's perfectly to charge me the same premium on a product that requires no ink, no plastic, no stamping process, oh and a lot of the times, no extras??? Are you kidding me?
But that's capitalism, that's what people will say. Other people will say.. "Well, what can you do?" What can i do? I can refuse not to pay, I can look for free and cheaper alternatives, and that's what happens with these Web 2.0 plans. The consumer is just tired of being scammed. There seems to be some double standard where consumers are wrong because they find something offered for free then they argue when it's monetized. There are plenty of reasons why alot of business models can not be applied to certain things. Twitters simplicity and it being free is its success, it's that simple, take away one or the other and people get bored and frustrate and move on. I summarize my argument with this: If you went home and enjoyed sex with your wife/girlfriend for free and you found value in it and then one day she decided to monetize and charge you for services @ $5 a pop would you do it? Or like so many other services in life would you look for the free alternative? (Maybe I should have written my own article... eep...)


Maybe you agree, maybe you don't, but feel free to comment.