Wednesday, August 27, 2008

My Theory on the Democratic Nominee choice.

This is my theory on the Nomination process.

I want to first tell you to totally ignore the fact that Hillary clinton is Hillary Clinton, not famous, just think of this in basic terms, let's begin.

The Democrats need to win.
We need the Democrats to win.
The Democratic party has lost the last 2 elections.
The Democrats need a change of pace, new tactics.
The Democratic party decided to try something "radical"

These are the facts at the beginning of the Democratic Primary.
Let's look at a few other factors.

Many of John Q. Public in middle america is White. Judeo-Christian, and Conservative.

So, taking all that in account if you want to optimize the democrats getting into office you can have a man (which is traditional) or a woman. Middle America still believes in "traditional" family values, that translates to traditional political beliefs. That means a male is an easier "sell" to the general populace. The only thing the Democrats need to get around is the "Obama's a black guy" thing, which should in all honesty, be really easy. He's a great speaker, charismatic, and gives people hope (something some people have a problem with, go figure). he may not have experience but noone other then a person that's already been President has experience. You can't train to be the "Man" or "Woman", it's just something you do when you get to where your going.

It's not personal, as they say...
It's Politics.

Rant Time. (Or, An open letter to the disenfranchised.)

Dear Unhappy Hillary Supporter,

I humbly ask, that you stop whining. I understand your upset that your candidate didn't win, but get over it. If Obama had lost we'd have to get over it, I'd actually have voted for McCain too, but I'm not all emotional and whiney. Let me elaborate. McCain is senile, this guy, this rich white guy wants to make other rich people richer. If your rich, I guess that'd make me all for McCain, but I'm not rich, are you? A lot of the unhappy say "Hillary was slighted or dissed." Are you serious?

Had Hillary won, I'm going to go out on a limb, but I'm going to say noone would expect her to kiss Baracks' ass for being the first black candidate. No, it'd be business as usual, so whats the difference? I'll tell you what the difference is, it's called the ol' double standard. You, Ms. Disenchchanted Angry neo-Feminist Hillary Supporter are one of these fake feminists that want's their cake and to eat it too. You want to be treated like a guy, to dress like a guy, to be paid like a guy, then you wanna throw a tantrum like a little girl when you don't get your way. You can't have it both ways, you can't whine things aren't fair when your losing but when your winning be "Everythings fine and my opponent needs to toughen up."

And are you also kidding me that the Clintons would have paid Obama's debt had he not been a phenomenally great fund raiser? I'm going to say publicly that A.) Your freaking insane, and B.) considering the Clinton legacy they should be above all this whining and crap. I for one, am tired of the whole, Clinton/Obama supposed feud. If you believed in Hillary's policies, then there's NO reason why you shouldn't vote for Obama, for months their policies were damn near the same, the only difference? Barack Obama is the new guy and the Clintons have a legacy. Just because the Clintons have a legacy does not pre-ordain hillary to be the first woman President. Let me drop a little knowledge on you. Our country can't deal with the educational system, the national debt, the war we're trying to get out of, or our dependance on oil from from abroad or from the oil tycoons locally, or even our collapsing medical system. Maybe in the grand scheme of things,the choices came down to the two possible candidates society as a whole was ready for. Either a woman or an african-american male, there's only enough tolerance for one or the other, it's sad but true, do you really think there's the possibility to get both? I think not, in fact I believe had Hillary been chosen she would've picked Joe Biden because he's the most logical choice for either one of them, he's an older caucasian guy who has years of experience. He's a familiar generic pick that is what's considered "normal." I'm not saying it's right or fair, but to get things you want sometimes you have to compromise.

There's a thing called acceptable losses and collateral damage. See, you need a balanced ticket that isn't too far to the left and crazy, a woman and a black guy, isn't exactly the norm in politics, so then it comes down to what's easier to accept. A woman or a man, in politics, the norm is a man. So is America ready for a male President who happens to be black or a woman that happens to be white. The truth, the logical decision is demonstrated by your erratic declarations and pronouncements. Your scorned and bitter because the first woman to ever run lost? So you'd rather not vote or vote for McCain just to be spiteful?? You'd rather turn against your fundamental beliefs, to go to the opposition just to spite Barack Obama? Well, good, you should go, it just proves a point and not your point but the point of maybe, just maybe, a certain gender is just overly sensitive and not ready to have their finger on the button. Besides, these things are in 4 year cycles, if he wins and sucks, just vote for her, there'd be nothing in her way.


But FoxNews is reporting he's your guy. So, yeah I'll keep you posted. I'm waiting to see if John Mccain picks a woman vice president. I also openly hope all the Hillary supporters that are for McCain go republican, hmmm... I feel a rant coming on.

day 2, the DNC


FoxNoise, the only channel that covers an event by... not covering an event.  Also, a clever trick, showing footage of no Hillary support by zooming in on little sections of anti-McCain and Pro Obama supporters... nice job Fox, but I watched the camera coverage on MSNBC and they did Panorama shots.  You may've heard of them, they're used to show The Big PICTURE.  Maybe you can try it some time.  Oh, and Megyn Kelly, your a great actress, for the longest time you had me convinced you were a correspondent with integrity, Bravo!!  You deserve an Oscar... F.Y.I.  I know your not too bright, so just so you know... that's sarcasm.  Hm, apparently Fox also saw a different video intro then the rest of us... maybe they really do live in a parallel world.


On a more positive note, having watched a version that's not talked over on MSNBC, I can say, Hillary's speech was great, I may not trust her, but she can deliver a great speech and her supporters looked fired up and ready to go,  Contrary to Foxs' shady reporting.  Can someone tell me why Rudy "A noun, a verb, and 9/11" Guilliani is a main "goto" guy for Hannity and Colmes?  Didn't his bid end up as a punchline when he ran?


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Friday, August 22, 2008

Wow, i don't know if this is racist, an insult, or a racist backhanded insult...

I'm watching FoxNoise and Hannity and Colmes and Sean Hannity just said: "....Obama is articulate, bright... and clean..."

He's... clean... so... why wouldn't he be? I've never heard a person described like that, well i did, but it was in re-enactments of auction blocks from 400 years ago. I'm just... wow.


Ah, the newest smear campaign of the Republican party.  Obama is against babies (he has 2 daughters though...) he voted against a bill to help babies that survive abortions (though there's a law in place that already does this), and he's lying about us lying about his record.  Obama didn't vote on a bill that was nearly identical to a federal bill because he didn't agree with the Illinois bill, but did agree with the Federal bill.  I suppose this story would be outrageous and a scandal except the right-wingers fail to mention there were addendums tacked onto the bill that Obama didn't agree with.  Let me repeat, there were other bills, like when congress adds a motion to raise their pay on the back of a bill to send weapons to our troops or to provide them with health care.  So, I suppose this is the Obama is a baby killer attack?  First he might be "The One" (aka the devil) and now he's a babysitter.  All he has said... and repeatedly is he's pro-life but believes in womens rights.  How can being in favor of womens rights cause so much drama??  I also like the allusion that Obama is running because he's conceited and doesn't care about our countries security (yes he said that...)


And hello pot, this is kettle, I wrote a speech for you, here's an excerpt "...All that is asked of the rest of us is that we do not dishonor their sacrifice by treating the cause they served so bravely as an opportunity to argue without wisdom; to divide us without care for the consequences; to advance our individual or partisan interests at the expense of America's security...." (McCain's Speech To The Members Of The Veterans Of Foreign Wars ,Published April 7, 2008) Examples:






How do you like it? Huh, what?? Why are you laughing??

Maybe I'm laughing because I remember this....


John McCain might have survived being a prisoner, but obviously they were too late to save his honor.

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Thursday, August 21, 2008

Someone explain to me...

How is it on the one hand, all the news stations say Obama needs to be harder and tougher and needs to attack McCain and not try to be aloof. Then today McCain cant remember how many houses he has and Obama talks about it and everyones like, Obama said he wouldn't be a regular politician, see he's just like everyone else. Does Obama really wanna go there? FoxNoise, of course defends McCain saying they're mostly his wifes'... hm, if they're married doesn't that still make them his too?? So if i understand correctly, he should A.)Not ignore McCains attacks and counterattack to show his strength as a politician and B.) Not attack because his campaigns about hope. Um, is that even like, physically possible??

No matter what Obama does it's the same double standard.

Obama has no foreign policy experience, he doesn't know how to deal with foreign leaders. Is he ready to lead? So, he goes out on tour, overseas, meets officials, everyone likes him and the foreign countries love him and what does the news say?
"He's pretty arrogant isn't he?"
"Kinda presumptuous talking to all those leaders."
"Who does he think he is, looking Presidential?"
"So what if countries are chanting his name and waving AMERICAN flags for the first time in like, 8 years."

I mean, really. Are you freaking kidding me?

I could go on but I'm pretty tired, maybe tomorrow.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Once more from the top... It's their country and you don't have to visit....

I find this video hilarious


The hilarity is in the fact that this guy and his group, don't see where they're in the wrong.  Let me be among the many that say this but it's obviously not getting out into the evangelicals auditory processing centers.  China is communist. China is hosting the Olympics. China is older then America. China has it's own religions.  China has it's own laws. China doesn't have to let you into China.  China doesn't have to like or accept Christianity.  China doesn't want it's populace influenced by radical evangelicals and their beliefs or their dilution of China's quite functional and historical religious belief system.  YOU do not have to go to China.  The American athlete are not their to represent a religious principle, they are there to represent the best and most gifted athletes our country can provide.


It amazes me how people go abroad and then have the nerve to be indignant about the local laws and customs of other countries.  Hey buddy, before traveling try reading up on what is and isn't allowed in the country your going to.  That's what embassies are there to assist you with.  And is it me, or is it pretty ballsy to say just because he and his "flock" were  turned away for their refusal to enter the country as guests and follow the countries laws, America as a whole shouldn't participate in the games?  I for one am quite happy this radical nutjob wasn't allowed to go in to another sovereign nation and badger its citizens with religious rhetoric while they tried to enjoy the games.  Leave it to Fox to be all over this one.  Shock and Awe.


The games are games, not platforms to espouse your belief system.