Monday, September 27, 2010

And society became salt…..

Hello again readers!


It’s been a bit of time between posts, mainly because I’ve been writing them and hen not actually posting them.  A lot of them felt incomplete, but what the heck, I’m not being paid to do this so I’ll be posting them in their ineloquent form. That’s the update there, so without further ado, today’s posting.


I was perusing the internet, looking at various sundry articles about 3D this, that, and the other.  Seems a lot of pundits and professional prognosticators seem to think 3D is a gimmick and is destined to fail.  I’m an ardent believer in 3D, ever since I learned of the premise and saw my first Star wars movie I’ve believed 3D is the way to go.  I actually remember my first 3D experience, I was about 8 or 10, I’d say and was living in P.G. County Maryland. On tv, channel 20 WDCA (I was a big fan of television and it guided my day then) announced a special event. They we’re going to broadcast a 3D movie, The Creature From the Black Lagoon!  Let me tell you as a kid nothing made me more excited then the idea of seeing this legendary movie monster coming out of the screen at me.  The advertisements were very much a draw when you were a little kid and the big gimmick was you needed the free 3D glasses from the 7-11 (marketing tie in!), on top of that going to the 7-11 for a kid is like going to freakin’ Toys R Us, they have the knock-off cheapy toys Trans-Changers, G.I. Jeneric, those balsa wood flyers, green army guy parachute dude, you name it and they had candy, some other stuff chips, and the Coup de grace, the tie-in Slurpee!  If I recall it was Creature Lemon-Lime (get it? it’s green) and you could get the glasses at the register, the old red/blue ones  


and let me tell you it was fantastic!  Sure it was in Black & White (and Red & Blue), but when that arm came towards me I was hooked.  I remember I even kept moving the glasses up and down to see the difference in the blurry multicolored picture and my sorta blurry 3D picture.  I generally try to see movies in 3D whenever possible, I saw the Nightmare On Elm Street 3D movie, now in blurry color!!! And it was good (I mean relatively speaking, it was Nightmare on elm Street).  I saw Avatar back in January of last year when it came out.  That movie was technologically life changing.  It also kicked off the current arms race to see who will be the premiere  consumer 3D sales company.  In Best Buy I’ve fallen in love with Samsung 3D Tv  I visit it every time we go.

You know how you can tell though, that it’s both the End of the World as we know it AND totally awesome?  It’s when lingerie goes 3D!  It’s already happened you know… I ran across this little doozy online, totally randomly Wonderbra-set-the-first-New-3D-Ad-Billboard-ever Feel free to click the link for a bigger pic and also if you have any of the aforementioned glasses, well, go for it. And this my friends is how society ends distracted consumers crashing their hover cars and hover boards into buildings and each other! Sparks and flaming debris reigning down on hapless drivers and pedestrians!! But, at least it’ll be entertaining… well, after they install the gender filter, I don’t wanna see some dudes junk ‘comin’ at me in 3 Dimensions… not cool. Not Cool At All.

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