Sunday, June 13, 2010

The Future is… Now! Well, sorta….

So, i was talking to my little brother on PlaystationHome yesterday and we were discussing some of the things he’d been missing out on because he doesn't visit it regularly.  For instance, every Thursday (as of this writing) there’s an update to Home.  Considering the online service is free and a place for PS3 owners to meet up it’s actually quite the added value.  Some of the things added were an upgrade to the virtual theatre (from 1 to 10 theatres) the addition of the bowling alley

Good luck finding a free lane, I really think they should be ‘Instanced’ like in World of Warcraft


Instancing is a new feature where people are in the same generalized area but a small group can enter an area that is already occupied and access a small ‘instance’ of the same area so they can access the same things as the occupying group.  The two groups don't interact per say but can use the same facilities simultaneously. and are in a localized setting, then when you finish using the ‘instance’ for say… bowling… you and your little group pop back into the real world.


Anyway, there are also new zones added, they’re generally game themed for popular games on the platform such as Uncharted, Killzone, Siren…. etc. 

One zone in particular is of interest because I mentioned it in passing to my brother is Xi (Xi overview),

 Xi_PlayStation_Home Xi was actually alot of fun and engaging.  It is an ARG an alternate reality game. It is actually the second ARG I’ve ever played, the first was ilovebees (I provide an article with a link towards the end also,btw) which totally blew me away.  Interestingly, it’s totally marketting for Halo 2, but you don’t really know if you just listen to it.  ARG’s are an underground phenomenon that happens and most people don’t even know about it.  My other half is a fan of ARG’s currently she’s trying to find a fun one to participate in. The best part is they’re free and most are still enjoyable even if your looking at them as a story and not participating.  So, I wanted to draw attention to something your probably missing out on.  Give it a try, you won’t be disappointed and most of your friends won’t even know what’s going on, hehe.


Here’s an engaging quickstart guide: An example and overview of ARG's and how to play

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